#include "TM1637_6D.h" #define CLK 3 //pins definitions for TM1637 and can be changed to other ports #define DIO 2 TM1637_6D tm1637_6D(CLK,DIO); void setup() { tm1637_6D.init(); // You can set the brightness level from 0(darkest) till 7(brightest) or use one // of the predefined brightness levels below tm1637_6D.set(7);//BRIGHT_TYPICAL = 2,BRIGHT_DARKEST = 0,BRIGHTEST = 7; } void loop() { // Array for displaying digits, the first number in the array will be displayed on the right int8_t ListDisp[6] = {4,5,6,1,2,3}; // Array for displaying points, the first point in the array will be displayed on the right int8_t ListDispPoint[6] = {POINT_OFF,POINT_ON,POINT_OFF,POINT_OFF,POINT_OFF,POINT_OFF}; // String for converting millis value to seperate characters in the string String millisstring; delay(150); while(1) { // Change the numbers in the ListDisp array here! // We send the entire array to the display along with the points array tm1637_6D.display(ListDisp, ListDispPoint); // Execute this loop every 10 milliseconds delay(10); } }