Raspberry Pi drive PCD8544 course: 1. How to connect hardware: 2. The connection mode of B version The insertion mode of B+ version: Please bear in mind that among 2*20P pin header of B+, the 2*13P pin header in the front are fully compatible with B version, namely their signal definition is exactly the same. So module program for B+ and B are totally compatible with each other! Software: 1. Install wiring pi. First cd ~ git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi cd wiringPi ./build 2. Establish working directory cd ~ mkdir cpu_show 3. Download source code to /home/pi/cpu_show through SFTP 4. Compile source code cd ~/cpu_show cc -o cpushow pcd8544_rpi.c PCD8544.c -L/usr/local/lib –lwiringPi //Final execution and result-check sudo ./cpushow //////////////////////Knowledge on Contrast Modification////////////////////////// // There are differences in contrast between each LCD, so if your found //content displayed is too dark or too light, //you’ll need to modify contrast variables of source code pcd8544_rpi.c, then recompile the source code and check the final result as well as corresponding changes! nano pcd8544_rpi.c // lcd contrast //may be need modify to fit your screen! normal: 30- 90 ,default is:45 !!!maybe modify this value! int contrast = 45; //change this part. The default setting is 45. If it’s too dark, decrease a little bit, If it’s too light, increase a little bit. We recommend you decrease/increase by 5 points at a time. //After modification, source code should be recompiled before running cc -o cpushow pcd8544_rpi.c PCD8544.c -L/usr/local/lib -lwiringPi sudo ./cpushow //////////////////////The End ///////////////////////